5 Tips To Get Your Dog Ready For Summer

5 Tips To Get Your Dog Ready For Summer

The summer season can be tough on dogs, especially if they’re not used to the heat. Dogs can suffer from heat stroke and dehydration just like humans, so it is important to take extra care of them during the summer months. Here are five tips to help you get your dog ready for summer:

Temperature Check

One of the simplest and easiest ways to protect our dog & pets during the summer is to check the temperature. Before taking your dog outside, always check the temperature to make sure it’s not too hot. If it is, wait for a cooler time or find a shady spot for them to stay in. This ensures, especially for our thick coat fur-babies, that we aren’t risking their health when the heat and humidity is high! 

Get a haircut! If your dog has a long coat, consider getting them a haircut to help them stay cool. Be sure not to cut their fur too short, as this can lead to sunburn. Another good practice after getting your pet’s coat trimmed, is to start applying sunscreen. Yes, sunscreen! Dogs with short fur or white fur are especially susceptible to sunburn. Be sure to apply sunscreen to their nose and any other exposed areas.
Stay hydrated! Always make sure your dog has access to fresh, cool water. Consider investing in a doggy water bottle or fountain to take with you on walks or outings. They make virtually everything portable now in terms of doggy & pet care, so finding one of these items can be super easy!
5 Tips To Get Your Dog Ready For Summer

Time To trim

Like us, dogs need to have their nails trimmed on a regular basis. This will not only keep them comfortable but will also ensure they don’t get scratched when running or playing. Here are some more tips for trimming your pup’s nails: 

Start them pups off young! If you have a puppy, it’s never too early to start. Trimming their nails regularly will help them get used to it. This also ensures that as they grow, they won’t be apprehensive when it comes time to get their nails trimmed.
Hold them still! Make sure that your pup is comfortable and settle them down on the floor or on your lap. Yes, this can be a bit difficult with puppies as they may take this as play time or cuddle time! Use gentle strokes and reward them with treats when they stay still.
Always be gentle! When trimming, it’s important to use sharp nail scissors and clippers. Don’t cut too high or too low, as this could cause your pup pain and discomfort.
Don’t forget the dew claws! The dew claws are the toes that point up on the front paws. These will need to be trimmed regularly too. By following these steps you can ensure your pup’s nails are trimmed and they are ready for the summer. Not only will they look better, but they will also be more comfortable and be able to play and run around with ease. As always, if you’re not comfortable trimming your dog’s nails, seek out a professional dog groomer to get the job done for you!
5 Tips To Get Your Dog Ready For Summer

Get a Bath

The summer heat can take its toll on your pup’s coat. While you are going to be spending more time outdoors, it is important to give your pup regular baths to make sure they stay cool. Here are some tips for summer bathing:
Use lukewarm water. Don’t use water that’s too hot. It could cause your pup discomfort and could cause skin irritations underneath their coat.
Use a gentle shampoo. The shampoo you use should be tailored to your pup’s coat type. Choose one that won’t dry out the coat. Your veterinarian will have the best advice for what kind of shampoo is best for your breed. 
Rinse off completely. Make sure that all of the shampoo is removed from the coat. Don’t forget the tummy and chest. Though dog shampoos are very gentle for your dog’s coat and skin, making sure that they’re thoroughly rinsed off is key to making sure their isn’t any coat of skin discomfort.
Dry completely. Make sure that your pup is completely dry before taking them outside. If they are still damp or wet, they won’t be able to cool down as well.
By following these steps, your pup will be looking and feeling good in no time! Not only will they look better but they’ll also be more comfortable and able to enjoy the summer!
5 Tips To Get Your Dog Ready For Summer

Protect Their Paws

Summer can be hard on your pup’s paws. Hot surfaces can burn their sensitive little paws, and those with white or light fur are especially vulnerable to sunburn. Taking a few extra steps to protect your pup’s paws will go a long way in ensuring they stay healthy and happy all summer.
Here are some tips for keeping your pup’s paws healthy and protected:
Invest in good dog booties! If need be, make sure your pooch has good shoes or booties for any activity or adventure you may take. Dog shoes/booties that are designed specifically for active dogs will be the most comfortable and will provide the best protection.
Check the temperature! As mentioned above, before heading out on a long walk or hike, check the temperature. Hot surfaces can be very damaging to your pup’s paws.
Trim the fur! While it may seem counterintuitive to cut your pup’s beautiful fur, it is important to regularly trim the fur around the paws and pads to ensure it does not get too hot in the summer and potentially cause sunburn.
5 Tips To Get Your Dog Ready For Summer

Get a Summer Cut

The summer months are a great time to give your pup a cute and stylish new haircut to help keep them cooler in the summer heat. However, it is important to be aware that their bodies and coats may require different haircuts than they may need in the winter months. Here are some tips for getting the perfect summer cut for your fur baby:
Visit a professional groomer. Don’t try to DIY when it comes to your pup’s summer hair cut. It is best to take them to a professional groomer who will make sure the job is done perfectly.
Choose a shorter cut. It will be cooler and help to keep your pup from overheating in the summer heat. This is why it’s best to seek out a professional who knows your dog’s specific coat.
Consider their shape and breed. What looks good on a greyhound may not look good on a poodle. Make sure you get a cut that is appropriate for their breed and body shape.
Keep it cool. Choose a cut that will help keep your pup cool and also look fashionable! We hope these tips help you get you & your pooch ready for the summer and that is fun & safe!
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